Sunday, 28 April 2013

Changes and Realisations...

Contradictory title? Usually, it's Realisations that happen first and then we bring Changes (positive hopefully). But as we already know.. Life! The journey full of surprises! We rarely take time to think or reflect back to who we were and who we have become. I remember the milestones of my life like it was just yesterday and I really can't believe how fast the years flew by.

Recent events in my life have reminded me of Who I was, Where I come from and What I have become. I think, this is the first time I was thanking God instead of thinking along the lines of : "Oh God! Why me??" The thought never even crossed my mind until someone else said it. A younger version of me would have complained and sulked and cried. There is no shame in admitting it. In fact, it makes me laugh! Seriously! I was That person??

The miracle of life... We grow. We change, without even realising it. Or maybe we do realise it. But, we never pause long enough to think about it and give it the importance it deserves. To Think IS a privilege  So why waste time thinking about useless stuff? "What is that person thinking about me? I hate that person.. he is conspiring against me, I should do this and that.." To think that we can do so many beautiful things with our thoughts and all we do is.. like.. Nothing! My most beautiful journeys took place in my imagination and my dreams. Where the body stops, the mind begins.. (I think I read that somewhere)

Maan! Way too many interruptions during my writing today... My flow was disrupted. But I guess you got the picture or at least the general picture of where I was going! It is sooo wonderful that we have this ability. The ability to change, to decide to change. Anytime. For the best! And sometimes we change without even realising it. This, I believe, is possible only through the choices we make in life. The things we do. The people we meet. The places we go. Also the things we read! And the things we realise and understand. The things we accept. The way we choose to spend this gift...

- Vidhisha

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