Thursday 23 June 2011

Moonlight an apology for my last rotten post :P
This is one of my poems written last year. Its not great..but it's not bad either.. Hope you'll like it.

I cry, cry and cry
In Dark Silent nights.
Never been someone
To put on the lights,
Brush away the tears...

When the Moon lights up the world and my room,
It feels like an old friend's caresses,
and whispers in the ears...

Then the tears disappear.
And I talk to the bright Moon,
While little by little
A smile replaces the tears...

I think of my earlier distress
And I realise there was no need to stress!
The lights were on for me!!
The Moon came up for me...


  1. I remember this one...And im sure you remember how I reacted upon reading it...Breathtaking..simply...breathtaking!
